Navigating the Invention Process: A Comprehensive Guide with InventHelp

InventHelp has been assisting inventors for decades, but how credible are they really? This article delves into the history of InventHelp, highlighting their longevity in the industry and their reputation among inventors. It provides a detailed background to help potential clients understand why "Are InventHelp and Its New Invention and Patent Services Worth It?" and why InventHelp is considered a reliable service provider.

ABOUT InventHelp

How Long Has InventHelp Been Around? InventHelp is a company dedicated to helping inventors bring their ideas to market. They offer a range of services, including patent referrals, prototype creation, and marketing assistance. InventHelp aims to make the invention process easier and more accessible for new inventors. 

Bringing an invention from concept to market can be a daunting process. InventHelp aims to simplify this journey by providing a range of services tailored to inventors' needs. This overview explores how InventHelp can assist you in turning your innovative idea into a marketable product.

Evaluating Trust in InventHelp: Need to Know

Can I Trust InventHelp and the Companies it Works With?, InventHelp has been in business for over 35 years, offering services that guide inventors through the patenting, prototyping, and marketing processes. Their longevity in the industry, combined with numerous success stories such as The Wonder Wallet and The Wisp Broom, underscores their capability to bring inventions to market. They work with a network of licensed patent services and reputable companies actively seeking new products, which adds a layer of credibility. However, potential clients should be aware that results can vary, and while InventHelp provides extensive support, success is not guaranteed. Thorough research, including reading reviews and consulting independent advisors, can provide additional assurance. Overall, InventHelp's established track record and comprehensive services make it a viable option for inventors, but due diligence is always recommended to ensure it aligns with your specific needs and expectations.

Patent Services

Patent Search

Before investing time and money, it's crucial to determine if your idea is unique. InventHelp conducts comprehensive patent searches to identify existing patents that may be similar to your invention.

Patent Application

InventHelp collaborates with a network of licensed patent services, who can prepare and file patent applications on your behalf. This includes drafting detailed descriptions, claims, and illustrations that are essential for securing a patent. 

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 Prototype Development

Design and Engineering

Transforming your idea into a tangible product often requires professional design and engineering. InventHelp's team works to create detailed designs and engineering plans that lay the groundwork for a prototype. 

3D Printing and Modeling

Using advanced 3D printing and modeling technologies, InventHelp can produce accurate prototypes of your invention. These prototypes are essential for demonstrating functionality and feasibility to potential investors and manufacturers. 

Marketing Assistance

Marketing Materials 

To effectively pitch your invention, you'll need high-quality marketing materials. InventHelp helps create brochures, videos, and presentations that highlight the features and benefits of your product. 

Trade Show Representation 

InventHelp showcases inventions at prominent trade shows like the Invention & New Product Exposition (INPEX), providing a platform for inventors to present their products to industry professionals and potential buyers. 

Company Submissions 

InventHelp actively submits your invention to companies that are seeking new products. This increases the chances of your invention being licensed or sold to a company interested in bringing it to market. 

Invention Submission Services


When you submit your invention to InventHelp, their team evaluates its potential. This initial assessment helps determine the best course of action and identifies areas that may need refinement.

Feedback and Next Steps

InventHelp provides constructive feedback and outlines the next steps in the development process. This guidance is invaluable for making informed decisions about how to proceed with your invention. 

Comprehensive Support for Your Invention Journey

Some of the Benefits You Can Expect From InventHelp that is,  InventHelp offers a comprehensive range of services designed to assist inventors at every stage of the invention process. By conducting thorough patent searches and preparing professional patent applications through a network of experienced assisstenr, InventHelp ensures your idea is unique and protected. They provide detailed design and engineering services, along with advanced 3D printing and modeling to create precise prototypes.

InventHelp also offers extensive marketing support, including high-quality marketing materials, exposure at major trade shows like INPEX, and direct submissions to companies seeking new products. Personalized invention submission services offer in-depth evaluations and strategic guidance for refining and developing your idea. With over 35 years of industry experience, a proven track record of success stories, and a broad network of resources, InventHelp provides the expertise and connections needed to turn your innovative ideas into marketable products.


InventHelp offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to assist inventors at every stage of the invention process. From patent searches and prototype development to marketing and company submissions, InventHelp provides the tools and expertise needed to turn innovative ideas into marketable products. By leveraging these services, inventors can navigate the complex path to market with greater confidence and support. 

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